Being sustainable and socially
conscious are key components
of The Park MK’s philosophy.
The Park MK has 6 EV charging points,
with more planned, enhanced cycle facilities
and external WiFi. We are also proactive
in promoting best practise for waste and
recycling collections, wellness initiatives,
sustainable travel and cultural diversity.
EPC A achieved
Sustainable giveaways to reduce plastic waste
100% green waste turned into compost, including coffee grounds
EV charging points
Green energy supplier
We see our tenants as partners & customers with whom we build long-standing relationships.
We are creating a workplace environment that works for business, but ones that also works for our planet.
Proud of the site’s heritage,
we are keen to ensure it lasts
for generations to come.
In the last six months we planted 420 new
plants and have seeded many areas with
wildflowers. You’ll see a variety of bird boxes
the trees as well as log piles, bug hotels
bat boxes all supporting and enhancing
biodiversity of the park.
16 acres of
green landscaping
herb garden
Dedicated planting
& biodiversity team